
I’m Ellayah.

Host of the “She’s Talking” podcast.
Believer of writing everything down.
Master of sarcasm and making really awkward situations amazingly good.
Completely in love with and led by my main man, God. 

In 2020, I decided to make a bet with myself. I made my first “real” vision board with pictures of all the things I wanted to do that year. The majority of the things I wrote down had been in my vision journal for years, but fear prevented me from pursuing it. This was The year that I wouldn’t use that as an excuse. So I didn’t. I used excuses like “I’m working too much” or “I’m too tired to work on that”. Then... the pandemic happened and God said “what’s the excuse now?”.  

I then started the podcast that spent 5 years on a piece of paper dedicated to helping millennials heal from lessons unlearned in life and love. While doing that, I began working on my second longest dream goal: creating my own journal business. Now I’m blogging about all things black, faith and the lack thereof, and pretty much things you can listen to me talk about on the podcast (but reading it is fun too).